Order of Worship
March 16, 2025 |
Welcome to Worship |
Call to Worship | House of the Lord |
Singing Together | Hymn 338 How Firm a Foundation |
Time of Prayer and Welcome | |
Parent Child Dedication | Everlee Ann Rendon Child of Tim & Katie Rendon |
Singing Together | Before the Throne of God Above |
Offertory Song | Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) |
Offertory Prayer | Deacon |
Offertory | Yet Not I but through Christ in Me Celebration Choir & Orchestra soloists: Kathy Midgette, Lane Block |
Message in Song | Cindy Laird, Anita Smith & Mike McAndrew |
Message | Dr. David Hardage There's More 1 Peter 5:8 |
Invitation | Hymn 405 Have Faith in God |
Ministry Updates | |
Closing Song | Through It All |
Remember to Spring Forward One Hour on Saturday Night, March 8 Before You Go To Bed! | |
Graduating Senior Scholarship Donations We are blessed with many deserving members graduating in the Class of 2025! We are currently accepting donations to help provide scholarships for our graduating seniors. If you are able to contribute over-and-above your tithe to this fund, please mark your offering envelope Graduating Senior Scholarship. You may place your donations in the offering plate or drop off in the Church Office by Monday, March 31. |
Remember there are no activities or ministries TONIGHT or Wednesday, March 12. | |
LLL (Living Life and Loving It)—Tuesday, March 11 in Fellowship Hall LLL, our monthly Senior Adult Games and Potluck lunch, is Tuesday, March 11. Join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy a good time of food, fun, games and fellowship. Please bring a covered dish and a friend! |
Beauty in Bloom—Dinner and Inspiration for Women—Thursday, April 3 Tickets for our Annual Women’s Dinner and Inspiration go on sale next Sunday, March 16. You can see the attendant in the hallway behind the Sanctuary to purchase tickets on Sunday mornings before and after worship.Tickets are $15. |
Homebound Outreach Ministry—Tuesday, March 18 in Fellowship Hall at 4 p.m.
Minister through our Homebound Ministry by reaching our members through cards, letters, and visits. Our next meeting is on March 18 at 4 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Fred Parsons at (409) 656-5605. |
Help Hearts & Hands with the Heritage Festival Traveling Workers Lunch 1. By Tuesday, March 11 you may donate snacks for the workers to enjoy while there are here. We need the following in the donation baskets located in the hallway to the Education Building: 3. On Thursday, March 13 meet at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall to help prepare snack bags, door prizes, and to transport things to the NHF Pavilion. Arrive at the NHF Pavilion by 11:30 a.m. to serve these workers. Call Tammy at (409) 749-4861 or Susan at (409) 749-9593 for more information. |
Noon Discussion—Tuesdays at Noon in Room 1317 Join us every Tuesday at noon in the Room 1317 (across for the Library) as we have an open Bible discussion covering a multitude of subjects. Have your questions ready! |
Help for the Homeless We are collecting sleeping bags (dark colors) and monetary donations for our homeless ministry. You may drop off your donations in the Church Office. For more information contact Suzie Berry at (409) 548-2321. Thank you church family for your donations. With your help we can supply several sleeping bags! |
MADE TO MAGNIFY GOD!—VBS—Sunday, July 20 through Thursday, July 24 VBS will be here before you know it! Our theme this year is Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God! We need you to volunteer for this wonderful ministry! See Chance or Tammy after Morning Worship in the hallway behind the sacntuary to sign up! |
Save the Dates! |
We'll See You at gather—Friends, Books, and coffee! Stop By During Our Hours Stop by Gather Sunday mornings 8:30—10:15 a.m. or Wednesday nights 5:30—6:30 p.m.! If you haven't joined the gather Facebook group, what are you waiting for? You will get up-to-date info for the month. TODAY we are having breakfast enchiladas and chocolate bundt cake. Stop by on your way to Bible Fellowship or Morning Worship for a treat and a cup of coffee! For more information about gather, contact Kristen Washburn at (409) 960-9694. | |
Do You Play Pickleball? Join Us Two Days a Week in the Student Center Gym If you play pickleball or would like to learn, then join us!
Give the Way Most Meaningful for You Give in the Offering Plate as it is passed during the Offertory, drop your gifts in the Offering Boxes placed at each entrance of the Sanctuary for your convenience, or donate online at firstnederland.com/give |